They are loud at first but drop in volume as a voice is heard. The backgrounds are lively and peaceful, containing sounds of birds chirping far and near, as well as insects. Sound: The music contains a snippet of a playful piccolo sounding instrument, and then becomes very light and delicate consisting of only legato, calming strings that swell and grown in volume through the first scene. He looks as if he recognizes what he hears and seems excited about it, and runs off. He becomes alert to something, turns his head to inspect further, and then closes his book and gets up.Ģ. The setting looks very serene, peaceful, and relaxing. Everything is lush green, the forest floor is carpeted by soft looking vegetation. LS of young teen looking male sitting up against a tree, chewing on a piece of hay in the woods as he reads. This shot breakdown was done using the masking method.